scoliosis body effects

7 Surprising Effects of Scoliosis on the Body You Need to Know

Scoliosis is a spinal curvature that may cause discomfort and breathing difficulties. Scoliosis effects can be wide-reaching, affecting the heart, lungs, digestion, and even the reproductive system. It can also restrict mobility and breathing for the individual if the curvature becomes severe enough. Scoliosis can also cause uneven shoulders, uneven hips, and muscle imbalances of the upper back, lower back, pelvis, and torso. Fortunately, there are treatments that may be used to improve scoliosis, and this blog can help you understand more about the disorder and its consequences on the body.

What is Scoliosis?

Like many people who are new to a diagnosis of scoliosis, you may have no idea what it really is, like most people. We’ll provide the essential facts of scoliosis and explore several signs and symptoms that may signal the presence of scoliosis in this blog article. We’ll also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various treatment options. Although most people understand the impact of scoliosis on the spine, many people do not realize how  other body functions, such as digestion, breathing, and pregnancy, can contribute to a spinal curvature. Therefore, keep reading to learn more about scoliosis and how it may affect your health, whether you’re a first-time reader or a long-time sufferer.

Causes and Symptoms

It’s time to see a doctor if you’re having back pain, restricted motions, postural imbalances, or other issues. Scoliosis is a neuromusculoskeletal disorder that causes these symptoms, when one or more vertebrae grow out of alignment compared to the rest of the spine. It typically occurs around puberty, during periods of rapid or substantial growth. Your doctor may propose surgery to fix the scoliosis if you are diagnosed with it. It’s vital to understand the reasons and indicators of mild curves, severe curves, and degenerative curves before making that choice.

Risk factors

Genetics, hormone abnormalities, neurotransmitter shortages, and muscle imbalances are all factors that may contribute to scoliosis. Make sure to keep a healthy lifestyle and exercise on a regular basis if you’re at risk of developing scoliosis! The condition’s risk will be decreased as a result of this. It’s also a good idea to have your muscles balanced out on a regular basis. If you discover them, make sure to address them using exercises and therapy. Don’t give up hope if you’ve got scoliosis. Several treatment options are available that may help to straighten your spine and boost your quality of life.

Family history

If you have a family member with a history of scoliosis, there is an increased risk of you developing it also. You can, however, reduce your risk by practicing and maintaining good posture, and identifying specific genetic variants that contribute to the risk of scoliosis onset. Integrative and functional medicine strategies can be developed to minimize the impact of any known genetic variants on the risk of developing scoliosis. Scoliosis treatment plans that significantly improve the prognosis are available if it is diagnosed early.

Birth trauma

Scoliosis may be caused by a number of factors. Joint hypermobility and spinal cord compression are two conditions that may be hereditary. It’s critical to get medical treatment as soon as possible if you’re worried about your kid’s spine curvature. If you believe scoliosis was caused by birthing trauma, don’t hesitate to have them checked or scanned. Past research has shown that a significant percentage of patients who develop scoliosis were breech or transverse lie during labor and delivery, which can increase the potential for birth trauma on a newborn’s brain and spine.

Bone density, micronutrient deficiency, and digestive disorders

Scoliosis may affect the health of various body systems, and not just the spine, for a variety of reasons. Constipation and bloating are two symptoms of poor digestion. Digestive symptoms are very common in children diagnosed with scoliosis. Scoliosis has also been connected to a negative influence on bone density, muscle strength, and mineral deficiencies, in addition to digestive problems. Lower bone density, especially later in life, is a big risk factors for osteoporosis and scoliosis progression.

How does it affect the body?

Postural or skeletal imbalances

Scoliosis is often initially diagnosed by a pediatrician based on the observation of visual postural asymmetries or imbalances. These might include things such as uneven shoulders or hips, or a protruding shoulder blade on the back, or a hip that looks more shifted compared to the other side. However, postural imbalances can be somewhat obscure and difficult to identify for some curve patterns, or until the curve already reaches a certain threshold.

Over time, these postural imbalances can lead to chronic pain syndromes and secondary compensations if not properly addressed. The chronic pain caused by scoliosis often leads to reduced mobility and joint pain, which makes daily activities such as walking and climbing stairs very difficult. Therefore, implementing a comprehensive treatment strategy is highly recommended.

Female reproductive health has been impacted.

Scoliosis has a negative impact on female reproductive health. To avoid complications such as pelvic tilt and prolapse, which may have a negative impact on female reproductive health, early diagnosis and treatment of scoliosis is critical. Patients are also known to have progesterone deficiencies, estrogen metabolism difficulties, and adrenal hormone exhaustion. Scoliosis that has not been treated may cause pain during labor, and can increase the chance of requiring a c-section delivery. While there are many scoliosis treatment possibilities, it is important to seek treatments that address the hormone factors associated with scoliosis.

In severe cases, it can harm heart and lung function.

Aside from scoliosis causing long-term discomfort and chronic pain or disability, it can also have a negative effect on heart and lung function in severe instances (typically at curves above 80 degrees).

Looking for Comprehensive Scoliosis Treatment?

You probably understand how terrible scoliosis can be if you’re suffering from it. The good news is that scoliosis treatment may help you feel better, increase mobility, reduce the Cobb angle, and prevent the need for surgery. Comprehensive scoliosis therapies can be extremely effective, even in the most severe cases of curvature. However, it is imperative that all facets of the scoliosis condition be evaluated and treated as necessary.

Because scoliosis may affect any part of the body, it’s crucial to seek out the advice of a doctor who can design the most robust scoliosis treatment program. This is why the ScoliSMART approach is so successful in the vast majority of cases. We look at a variety of contributing factors that can cause or aggravate scoliosis.

Evaluating and Mitigating Genetic Predispositions

It’s vital to understand both genetics and environment when dealing with scoliosis, because both play a role in causing the condition. There are a variety of therapies accessible, however each person’s particular factors and clinical findings determine which combinations are most effective. Testing these genetic predispositions is very easily conducted, with several different commercial genetics labs now available to test through.

Identifying Hormone Imbalances and Deficiencies

Hormone imbalances may lead to a number of clinical symptoms, including the onset or progression of scoliosis. A spinal curvature may be viewed as a symptom no different than other hormone symptoms, such as depression and other mood problems, irregular periods, sleep disturbances, or memory issues. The spinal curvature is simply the chief musculoskeletal symptom caused by hormone imbalances in pre-teens and teens.

The best way to address these imbalances is to test them. Specialized lab testing can identify these underlying hormone imbalances that are common in idiopathic scoliosis, so that physical treatment of the curve is not sabotaged by an underlying contributing factor that never got addressed. Integrative and functional medicine treatments can be designed to resolved these underlying hormone problems.

Neurotransmitter Ratios and Deficiencies

Neurotransmitters have long been associated with scoliosis, going all the way back to the mid 1980’s. Serotonin, melatonin, histamine, and norepinephrine are all more likely to be abnormal in patients who develop scoliosis during adolescence. These neurotransmitters are important because they directly impact neuromuscular postural control, especially of the spine and back muscles.

Therefore, if these important neurochemicals are not sufficiently produced, postural muscle control and coordination suffers. No physical treatment can provide consistent long-term results without normal neurotransmitter balance. That’s precisely why ScoliSMART doctors test them and treat them when necessary. 

Our Comprehensive Non-Surgical Approach

Our approach has been peer-reviewed in many scientific studies and journals, has been featured on nationally syndicated television, and we’ve treated many famous public figures or their families over the years. People from all over the world have come to ScoliSMART BootCamp because it works, patients from 37 states, 19 countries, and 5 continents can’t be wrong…… Let us help YOU too. Call us today for a FREE xray phone review , or  upload your xrays for free, to see if our ScoliSMART approach is right for you!



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